Our Student Chapter | American Society of Mechanical Engineers at UMass Amherst (ASME)
Our Mission
The mission of our student chapter is to help bridge the gap between the academic classroom and a career in mechanical engineering. Through extracurricular activities, student members will be able to build and apply their engineering skills, as well as see how they can integrate these skills into a professional setting.
The Structure of our Club
General body meetings
- Monthly meetings which generally consist of technical workshops, guest speakers, tours of on campus labs and facilities, and more
- General body meetings are open to the public, but first priority to sign up is given to general body members, as some meetings have limited space
- To join our general body, where you will receive updates and announcements from our club, simply join our microsoft teams page
- See our main page for updates on our recent meetings
Student Design Team
Student run deisgn team (DESCO)
- Our UMass Student Design Team competes anually against other ASME student groups from colleges and universities across the country, in a competition run by the national ASME organization. This competition is part of a larger anual event called E-Fest
- Our group consists of undergaduate engineering students, and is open to new members, you can apply to the group through this form